Last year, we worked with the Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce to install 18 high definition cameras. (You can read more about it here.) Because of its challenging nature and positive results, our project was featured on the latest issue of Security Management. This newsletter is published by ASIS International. (Since 1955, ASIS International has function as a worldwide community whose primary goal is to provide expertise in all topics of security.) The article describes in detail not only the approach we took before the installation but the aftermath as well. We draw attention to this information because some people might wonder what the process is like and what happens after the installation. In the past, we have also listened to experiences from prospect clients that come to us because they cannot find the person or company who installed their systems. The problem is that they are unable to see their cameras because the system is malfunctioning. Whichever the reason is, these are excellent questions to consider.
Chinatown Case Study
We can take the Chinatown case study as an example. The article describes the planning process. This process included meetings, choosing the right type of equipment, and selecting key locations. Once approved, we also made sure we provided an estimated timeline to complete the project.
After the installation, and as we strive to deliver a more complete experience for our clients, VinTech systems also provided training on how to operate the system. Additionally, we provided guidance through the basics of accessing the security system remotely. According to Simon Leung, operation manager of Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, in the article “Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce chooses Hikvision Surveillance” he assures to be delighted with the way the system operates. Both The Chamber of Commerce team and the security patrol have access to the cameras remotely. They can access them through their monitors, iPad, or even mobile devices. In addition, they can download any footage from any of the 18 cameras; and provide it to Chicago police in a timely fashion. This procedure assures not only that the system is operated properly but that it functions properly, along with regular maintenance.
The Chinatown neighborhood has been a long-time popular community to visit in Chicago for its restaurants, architecture, and history. We are delighted to see that more of our clients are achieving results that are improving the safety of our communities.