Halloween safety tips! Clients and friends, We can feel the fall weather in Chicago and…

Let the Games Begin – Black Friday 2010
That’s right folks Black Friday 2010 is upon us. Not just in terms of celebrations or spirited parties but the annual no-hold bars fight for your pocket book. Click the link to get to a site that can help anyone navigate through a maze of Special Deals. It includes listings from major retailers across the country, bargain hunters go-to locations, and even an iPhone App!
Seven safety steps for safe Black Friday shopping:
- Arm your alarm systems before leaving your home and at night.
- Place adequate lighting outside your home or apartment.
- Shop with a friend. Its fun and safer.
- Buy insurance on expensive electronics.
- Keep a watchful eye on your shopping bags.
- Avoid carrying large amounts of cash and use a credit card to pay if possible.
- Be discreet when disposing items’ boxes.
We hope you find something special this upcoming holiday sale. We are already making our list. Please visit our Facebook page and let us know of any other safety tips you take before, during, and after shopping. Happy Black Friday 2010!
If you would like to read more safety tips, visit our blog 5 steps to Stop Holiday Package Theft. During the holidays, package theft increases as more people make last minute online purchases.