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5 Reasons Virtual Guard for Commercial Lots is Essential
Virtual guard is a valuable investment for commercial lots.
Criminals target commercial lots often. They know these properties store high-cost materials. The Chartered Institute’s survey found that 92% of their respondents in the construction industry suffer theft on a regular basis. Nonetheless, security costs often influence their budgets. However, balance between cost and effectiveness can be achieved. Its still possible for property owners to secure large spaces without breaking the bank.
VinTech systems believes virtual guard is the best balance between service and cost. Let’s discuss the top five questions about virtual guard.
Virtual Guard covers open areas.
In the past, we installed virtual guard in construction sites, commercial buildings, and auto dealerships. Additionally, we recommend the service to warehouses, schools, and any places with open areas. There is no area too big or too wide!
Virtual Guard covers wide areas.
Virtual guard covers wide areas. No area is too big or too wide! Additionally, the camera system detects motion. The system then sends signals to a live operator. Accordingly, there is no need to patrol the area or hire someone to monitor the system.
Service options
There are two main options. First, when motion is detected, a signal is sent to an operator who will then proceed to check the video. If there is an intruder, the operator will ask the person to leave through an onsite speaker. Second, when the sensor is triggered, an automated voice message will ask the individual to leave the area. In both cases, a local police officer or a security guard will be immediately dispatched if the intruder doesn’t leave.
Cost difference between a security guard a virtual guard.
Security guards receive a salary between $25,000-30,000 a year in Illinois. The cost to hire three security guards to cover a 24 hour shift will amount to $75,000-$90,000 dollars per year. In comparison, the cost to install virtual guard and hire security guards, virtual guard will be much less.
How soon after installation will I be protected?
Your property is protected soon after your account is activated. This process takes less than 24 hours. Additionally, there isn’t training involved to operate the system.
Does virtual guard sound like a good fit for your property? Schedule a FREE consultation today! Contact VinTech Systems at info@vintechnology.net or 773-388-1208.