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Crime Spikes During The Holidays
Don’t let crime spikes during the holidays get in the way of your joy.
With Thanksgiving and Black Friday approaching at the end of the week we urge you to take extra precautions this holiday season.
“During this time of year, police routinely focus more attention on burglaries to residences and businesses, as well as theft and shoplifting, because these crimes increase tremendously during the holidays, Capt. Chris Smith of KPD’s crime prevention unit says.” – the Kokomo Tribune
Authorities urge residents to not only be aware of their surroundings but to report any suspicious activity. If you have plans to travel, remember to lock your home doors and windows. Unlocked front doors are surprisingly the most common entry for thieves. Additionally, communicate with a trusted neighbor that might be willing to keep an eye on your home will you are away.
One of the best tips we have heard for this upcoming shopping season is to keep your credit card face down when you are paying. Furthermore, put it away once its scanned. You never know if the person behind you in line is thumbing your credit card information into their phone or taking pictures of it for future use.
Crime spikes during the holidays are a real threat but you can prevent them! We hope you and your family have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!