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The Aftermath of The Chicago Chinatown Case Study
The Chicago Chinatown Case Study
Last year, VinTech systems worked with the Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce to increase security in their neighborhood. Our company installed 18 high definition cameras. We had positive results although the the project was challenging. As a result, this project was featured in the latest issue of Security Management. This magazine is published by ASIS International, a leader in the security industry. The article described the approach we took and the results of the installation. Our project draw attention because the process is an example to follow to achieve a successful installation.
Why Hire Experts
ASIS International is a worldwide community of security expertise. Their members have access to resources to help them stay up to date in the security industry. We are proud to be a member!
Hiring experts makes a difference. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. We often hear prospect clients complain about the company who installed their system. They become frustrated after the company disappears. Neglecting a security system is like not having one at all. Professional companies can help you through the years to maintain your system working properly. Consider it a red flag if a company installs the system and disappears. Professional companies should follow a process and be a reliable.
The Planning Process
The Chinatown project is a good example of our work process. We planned meetings and choose the right type of equipment. Moreover, we took the time to select appropriate key locations to install each camera. Once approved, we made sure we provided an estimated timeline to complete the project. After installation, we did our best to deliver a complete experience. VinTech systems provided training to account managers. We also helped our clients download the app. The remote access app enables them to access their security system remotely.
Lastly, we conduct regular maintenance twice a year to assure the system keeps working operating properly. New management or employees sometimes call us to repeat training. We highly recommended regular training of new users.
What our Clients Say
Simon Leung, operation manager of the Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, says he is happy with the way the system operates. The security patrol has access to the cameras remotely. He monitors their system from monitors, iPads, and mobile devices. In addition, they can download footage from any of the cameras and provide it to Chicago police if needed.
The Chinatown neighborhood has been a long-time popular community to visit in Chicago. Their restaurants, architecture, and history are loved by both Chicagoan and tourists. We are delighted to see that more clients are achieving results that are improving the safety of our communities.